Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions are applicable to passengers who book with TRANSFER CONNECTS.

Full payment is required at the time of booking. Once the payment has been received you will receive a transfer voucher to the email address given in the reservation form. The transfer voucher must be presented to the TRANSFER CONNECTS driver upon arrival.

The services in tourist vehicle for golf will be a maximum of 3 Pax.

The driver will be waiting at the arrivals terminal with a sign with the client’s name.

In case of delay in collecting luggage, the client must notify the driver or agency. Otherwise, the carrier will terminate the waiting time after the courtesy hour has passed since the arrival of the flight and the full amount will be invoiced for the service.

If the client for any reason cannot find the driver and decides to leave on their own without having called the 24-hour emergency telephone numbers, the amount of the service will not be refunded. In key collection services, vehicle rental, purchases or other circumstances, the client will have the obligation to reflect this in their request. The amount to be applied for any of the circumstances outlined will have a supplement of 15 euros. No supplement will be applied to the service of baby seats for children under 2 years of age. The chair will be placed if requested, but in case of any circumstance beyond the company’s control there is a change of vehicle (accident, breakdown, plane delays, etc.), the company will have no obligation as it is a courtesy service for the client. . The services that suffer delays and the arrival of the flight is not confirmed before 23 hours, the company is not responsible for the collection of the clients.

Modifications and cancellations

All modifications and cancellations must be sent to btransferconnects.com.


Modifications received up to 7 days before arrival will not be charged. Modifications received within 7 days of arrival 30 euros per reservation.


Cancellations received up to 7 days before arrival 30 euros per reservation. Cancellations received up to 48 hours before arrival 50% of the reservation. Cancellations received within 48 hours of arrival 100% of the reservation.

Flight delays

As long as you have given complete flight information in your reservation, you will be picked up at no additional cost by TRANSFER CONNECTS drivers. TRANSFER CONNECTS and its drivers reserve the right to deny transportation to any person who is believed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and/or whose conduct may pose a threat to the driver, the vehicle, or other passengers. . Smoking, eating or drinking is not allowed in our vehicles. The vehicles are fully insured for passenger transport, as required by Spanish law. Whereas, the client’s luggage and their property is carried at their own risk and responsibility. They cannot be claimed for loss or damage. When you make a reservation with TRANSFER CONNECTS you are accepting all the above terms and conditions. Spanish Law governs these terms and conditions, and any dispute between you and TRANSFER CONNECTS will be subject to the jurisdiction of a Spanish Court.


The Management / Governing Body of IRFAN AHMED (hereinafter, the person in charge of the treatment), assumes the maximum responsibility and commitment with the establishment, implementation and maintenance of this Data Protection Policy, guaranteeing the continuous improvement of the person in charge of the treatment with the objective of achieving excellence in relation to compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and therefore which repeals Directive 95/46/CE (General Data Protection Regulation) (DOUE L 119/1, 05-04-2016), and the Spanish regulations for the protection of personal data (Organic Law, legislation specific sector and its development regulations).

The Data Protection Policy of IRFAN AHMED rests on the principle of proactive responsibility, according to which the controller is responsible for compliance with the regulatory and jurisprudential framework that governs said Policy, and is capable of demonstrating it before the competent control authorities.

In this sense, the person responsible for the treatment will be governed by the following principles that must serve all its personnel as a guide and frame of reference in the processing of personal data:

1. Data protection by design: the data controller will apply, both at the time of determining the means of treatment and at the time of the treatment itself, appropriate technical and organizational measures, such as pseudonymization, designed to effectively apply the data protection principles, such as data minimization, and integrate the necessary guarantees in the treatment.

2. Data protection by default: the data controller will apply the appropriate technical and organizational measures with a view to guaranteeing that, by default, only the personal data necessary for each of the specific purposes of the treatment are processed.

3. Data protection in the information life cycle: the measures that guarantee the protection of personal data will be applicable during the complete information life cycle.

4. Legality, loyalty and transparency: personal data will be processed in a lawful, loyal and transparent manner in relation to the interested party.

5. Limitation of purpose: personal data will be collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and will not be further processed in a manner incompatible with said purposes.

6. Minimization of data: personal data will be adequate, pertinent and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.

7. Accuracy: personal data will be accurate and, if necessary, updated; All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that personal data that is inaccurate with respect to the purposes for which it is processed is deleted or rectified without delay.

8. Limitation of the conservation period: the personal data will be kept in such a way that the identification of the interested parties is allowed for no longer than necessary for the purposes of processing the personal data.

9. Integrity and confidentiality: personal data will be processed in such a way as to guarantee adequate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or illegal processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, through the application of measures appropriate technical or organizational.

10. Information and training: one of the keys to guarantee the protection of personal data is the training and information provided to the personnel involved in their processing. During the life cycle of the information, all personnel with access to the data will be properly trained and informed about their obligations in relation to compliance with data protection regulations.

The Data Protection Policy of IRFAN AHMED It is communicated to all the staff of the controller and made available to all interested parties.

As a consequence, this Data Protection Policy involves all the personnel of the person responsible for the treatment, who must know it and assume it, considering it as their own, each member being responsible for applying it and verifying the data protection regulations applicable to their activity. , as well as identify and contribute the opportunities for improvement that it deems appropriate with the aim of achieving excellence in relation to its compliance.

This Policy will be reviewed by the Management / Governing Body of IRFAN AHMED, as many times as deemed necessary, to adapt, at all times, to the current provisions regarding the protection of personal data.